2025 Memorials

Please send any photo submissions to gentlegoodbyes@gmail.com


Thank you so much for the service you all provide. It was hard to let him go but it was easier knowing he was home and safe and warm. We appreciate the kindness of your vets and we are glad that he was able to pass with no pain and surrounded by love. Here is my favorite photo of Tank for your memorial wall! he was a good dog.


Kahlua was a part of our family for 13 years. She loved to run, chase squirrels and do figure 8's in the grass! She loved her family and every moment with us! She will forever be in our hearts.


Bowser was born on May 19th, 2020. He was rescued along with his Mom, brothers and sisters. We got a call about a puppy who needed a forever home. We went and saw him and his brother that were left! Bowser immediately came to us, he was our baby! Bowser grew fast and big, no one ever believed he was the size he was. He loved playing and protecting our family. Bowser was a one of a kind dog, who looked scary but was a BIG baby who just loved to be cuddled with. We lost our Bowser on February 1st, 2025 due to health issues. He is greatly missed and will never be forgotten. Forever in our heart our Bowser the beast! We love you buddy, play again with Abby!


A big dog with a huge smile, and a gentle soul. 105lbs of pure love and affection!


This is Smokey- he was rescued and given to me when he was about 5 weeks old. He brought me so much joy and love for 20 years! He loved to just curl up with me, and occasionally with "his" dog (he had 4 yellow lab companions in his lifetime).

I still come home and expect him to be waiting for me, and my husband found himself looking for Smokey recently when he was passing out treats to the dogs- part of our pet duties (we are well trained)


Our Gypsy dog would not quit chasing squirrels, balls, frisbees and everybody's toys. We always called her thunder foot because you could hear her coming a mile away and she was our Tongue with a dog attached, would not stop licking.
Thank you all for your sincere professionalism. your caring natures did not go unnoticed.


A gentle girl, who loved family and who had an incredible drive to point birds (chukars, quail and pheasants) and retrieve AND occasionally do a walkabout and hunt for herself! She is missed.


Goodbye and be free, our sweet, sweet girl. You gave us over 15 years of unconditional love and goofiness. Everyday, you were sunshine, no matter the weather.

In your new home, may there be endless hikes, endless frisbee throws, and endless bowls full of salmon and watermelon. Thanks for everything you gave us, sweet girl. We love you and will never forget you.


Holly was born 12-10-2009, one of 5 puppies. She loved everyone, grew up in San Diego, loved going to dog beach for a swim in the ocean, loved our walks with her brother Uno and momma Zena. We moved to Idaho 2022. In Aug 2024, she got glaucoma, went blind and had her RT removed. Although she had lost her eye sight and hearing, she got along very well with one eye. Then in November the glaucoma had gone into her LFT eye. Just turned 15 Dec 10, 2024. I made a very tough decision to let her go. Her quality of life was gone and dependent on me to get around and was in pain from the glaucoma. She is now in heaven with her 2 brothers and her momma. I know they are playing and all together again, no longer suffering. I miss them everyday! They were my life!


Chewy was the sweetest boy ever. He would be the picture next to the word "velcro-dog" in the dictionary. He loved camping, razor riding, and going for walks. He filled our hearts with so much love. We will miss him forever.


Baby was sassy and a fierce fighter from the moment we found her in a bush at 3 weeks old to the moment she left us. Her meow always sounded like she had a question for you no matter what kind of meow, her fur was the softest velvet like fur you'd ever felt, she was perfect in every way.


Lightning was my Mother's Day gift in May 2016, our family's first pet rabbit. He was always such an adventurous rabbit, he loved digging and running around and exploring the yard and garden. As he got older he loved napping in the sun and getting lots of head rubs. He will be missed.

Olivia Ridenour Little

Thank you for helping me say goodbye to my sweet Olivia. I still miss her every day. Here's a photo for the website and my little obituary - feel free to shorten it as you see fit. "If the kindest of souls were rewarded with the longest lives, dogs would outlive us all."

It is with the heaviest heart that I share the passing of my ride or die bestie, Olivia. She joined our family as a rescue dog on April 2, 2017 and quickly became an indispensable member of our household, ensuring that any scraps of food dropped to the floor were cleaned up, spreading water around the kitchen after slurping out of her bowl with her giant Shar Pei dog jowls to help with the mopping, and providing dog hugs and comfort when needed to our immediate and extended family and friends, countless neighbors, and too many coworkers to count. She also served as my training partner for more than one 5K, 10K, half and my first full marathon until she retired from running in 2019.

In May of 2017 she was hired at the Idaho Nonprofit Center as the Chief Morale Officer, providing so much love and light to all who entered the office. Eventually she joined me in the same capacity at Jannus until her retirement in August of last year. Among her favorite things in life, she loved long walks where she could stop and smell anything but the roses, car rides if they were short and involved a Dutch Bros pup cup, day long naps in the grass in the sun and cuddling with me on the floor at night watching TV or reading books. I will note that camping and paddleboarding were her least favorite activities, but she put up with them (well camping anyway) as my constant companion.

Olivia was diagnosed with incurable lung cancer in October of 2024 and has been on palliative care for the past three months. She finally walked over the rainbow bridge on Jan. 19, 2025 where I hope she is happily chasing squirrels, napping in the sun, eating all the pup cups she can get her paws on and, if I'm really lucky, perhaps she's found my Dad who can take her for all the walks she'll want to go on in heaven. I'm more than certain he would have loved her as much as all of us.

Olivia leaves behind a family that will miss her little raspy woofs, sweet nature, dog hugs and cuddles and her innate ability to provide comfort when it's needed the most. I really could use her comfort now.
I know there is a special place in heaven for rescue pups and if you're so inclined to celebrate her life, please donate to your favorite animal shelter in her name. I am sure she gave our family more than we could ever return to her. May she rest in peace.

Olivia Ridenour Little, June 13, 2013 to Jan. 19, 2025

June 23, 2012 - January 8, 2025

Apollo has been a member of our family since he was a puppy. He won us over with his excitement for life and beautiful eyes. Through the years he acquired many nicknames. We received him with the name "Hamilton". He was "Po" (obvious) and sometimes "Po Po". Kelly called him "Mr. Eyelashes" because of the long lashes Apollo got from his mother. Our daughter called him "Brother Lump" since he liked to relax on a pillow near the fireplace.
Apollo and I learned obedience together and he received several blue ribbons. He achieved Rally Excellent and CDX. When first competing in Rally Obedience, a judge told me that Rally should look like a dance (between human and dog). She went on to say that during the competition, Apollo and I danced.

He enjoyed running and chasing outside animals. He would run at our chickens - not to hurt them but just to watch them scatter. He would follow me from room to room in the house. He played in the snow during the winter and swam in the canals during the summer. He never met a person he didn't like but always had a special love for children.

With love until we meet again.


Jodee was rescued from the Canyon County Shelter after someone dumped her and she became a stray. We had Jodee in our lives for 8 years and we have never had such a happy well-behaved pet. We miss her every day and are grateful for the time we had with her. She was 5 when we got her, and about 13 when she left us. She has no more pain now and is no longer suffering. I know she will be waiting for us over the bridge.


I just wanted to share this picture with you of Bugsy enjoying a car ride. Our Gypsy dog would not quit chasing squirrels, balls, frisbees and everybody's toys. We always called her thunder foot because you could hear her coming a mile away and she was our Tongue with a dog attached, would not stop licking.


My little Stitch was small, but mighty. His loyalty and devotion was evident in all his behaviors. He loved his "woobies", laying in the window to bark at people and going "bye-bye" in the car. He was such a blessing and the joy of my life. There will never be another like him. I miss him dearly.