2024 Memorials

Please send any photo submissions to gentlegoodbyes@gmail.com



Our beloved yellow lab, Cooper passed over the rainbow bridge March 13th at the golden age of sixteen and a half . He was a big (100lb) lab full of love and life.

He traveled with us all over the Pacific northwest and loved playing in the ocean and mountain lakes and rivers. He could hike all day and still play fetch until we could not keep playing.

I dedicate one of my favorite songs to Cooper, One Friend by Dan Seals. I always thought you were the best I guess I always will I always thought that we were blessed And I feel that way still sometimes we took the hard road But we always saw it through If I had only one friend left I'd want it to be you Sometimes the world was on our side Sometimes it wasn't fair Sometimes it gave a helping hand Sometimes we didn't care Cause when we were together It made the dream come true If I had only one friend left I'd want it to be you Someone who understands me And knows me inside out Helps keep me together And believes without a doubt. That I could move a mountain Someone to tell it to If I had only one friend left, I'd want it to be you.

Gunner Spurgeon
Sept 2014-April 2024

Gunner was our big ol baby, we had him since he was a little younger than 8 weeks, he LOVED bubbles, playing in the water, and pictures!! Goodness he was always ready for a picture! He would come running if he heard "let's take a picture" even if it wasn't supposed to be a picture of him he made sure he was in it he was our big lap dog and the sweetest guy ever! We will forever miss him and take solace in the fact that he is no longer in pain and is running around in puppy heaven with his big brother Rocky.


This girl was the sweetest old lady. I only had her for 3 short years, but she made my life richer. Farewell my gentle girl. I'll miss your sweet love.


'Jazzy' our beloved cat was born in 2003.
I found her in the parking lot of the place where I was employed.

It was a cold October night, I was just getting off work and preparing to get in my car to drive home.
I looked toward a street light and saw this cute little kitten about 2 to 3 months old chasing fall leaves as they they were caught in a whirlwind under the glow of the streetlight. She was jumping in the air trying to catch the leaves. It was so darned cute!

It was plain to me that she was a stray and needed nourishment and warmth, so I picked her up.
She immediately crawled up my sweatshirt, and over my shoulder, and found her way into my hood.

I made the decision at that point to take her home with me. I only had the intention of keeping her safe and fed until my husband and I could find her a good forever home.

Fast forward 20.5 years later we still had her. Jazzy's forever home turned out to be ours! It was an easy decision.

She was such a spitfire. She was boss over the other two cat's in our home and soon wrapped us around her little paws.

Jazzy was a beautiful Calico, so full of fun and energy. We trained her to a leash, and she would walk us, much more than we would walk her! She was great traveler, and loved seeing these United States with us.
She filled our lives and hearts with so many wonderful memories and love. She fought very hard to stay with us toward the end of her life. She lived longer than most thought she would.

We know one day we will see her sweet little face again one day. Until then, Jazzy is resting with our Creator.

Take care sweet 'Jazzy', one day we will all walk and play together again. We love you baby girl.



We rescued you at 8 weeks old. Your first week of life you took us to the edge with parvo and giardia but we fought hard for you and in return you have us many many wonderful years. We originally got you to be an outdoor dog but you quickly let us know you would not be having that and ended up in our bed every night. You had the quirkiest sense of yourself. You sure as heck never saw yourself as a dog because dogs were inferior to you. You hated rain but loved the snow. You stole our hearts and made our house a home. We got you 8 weeks after we got married. We don't know a marriage without you. We've dedicated our lives to you for 14.5 years......we don't even know how to live without you. Whatever this was it took you fast. So fast Megan and I had to catch a midnight flight home in time to say goodbye. You held on and kept holding on. You hadn't eaten in a day but let me feed you some French fries from In N Out your last night. You never could resist a french fry. You needed us as much as we needed you. But at 4:35pm on Monday March 25 you took your last breath. Daddy and I held you in our arms as you slipped away. I've never felt a pain like this. The house is silent. No tapping of your paws on the hardwood floor. No more jingling of your chain. No more tapping your food bowl to be fed. No more barking to be let outside. The only thing now is the memories we have and the sound of heartbroken cries has taken over our home. We sit in silence only because it doesn't feel right to do or say anything. I know this will pass but bubby if love could have saved you....you would have lived forever. We love you our sweet boy with every piece of our shattered hearts. Watch over us till we see you again.


Throughout her life she was the most amazing, happy and loving soul mate you could imagine, and with everyone with whom she came in contact. We miss her so.


Here are a few more photos of Tonka. Tonka has blessed our family for over 13+ years and she is greatly missed. Her favorite thing to do besides shadowing with her human mom was to play fetch. She would play ball any chance she could. There is a huge hole in our hearts!

11/1/2007 - 3/21/2024

Leopold, aka Freshie, & The Honey Bunny Man, appeared on our front step on All Souls Day 16.5 yrs ago. It was love at first sight. We had over 15 wonderful years with him, full of unconditional love, endless joy, & tons of shenanigans. He looked forward to taking walks with us around the house; lounging in front of St. Francis, watching the squirrels and supervising EVERYTHING we did. We loved him dearly (still do) and miss him tremendously. He was a beloved family member.


Callie found me when she was two years old. I just happened to be at the Humane Society and she insisted I take her home. That was eighteen years ago! She was spoiled rotten (or treated appropriately if you asked her). I have never met a cat that managed to be so sweet, gentle, curious and sassy all at the same time. She always had something to say about whatever was happening and never missed a chance to snuggle up close at night. She was the light of my life for almost two decades and I will never forget her.

Sweet dreams Miss Callie, you deserve them.

Sky McMurria

In loving memory of our sky pup.

Bear Swales
12/01/2009 - 3/12/2024

Our sweet little boy. If we could have designed the perfect little companion that checked all the boxes, our little guy, Bear, would have been the final result. He was the most beautiful, sweet, intelligent little love bug we could have asked for. This loss hurts. Fourteen years were not enough. Fly high sweet boy. We'll see you on the other side.

On April 1, 2024 we said goodbye to Willow.

The first time we saw Willow she was a scrawny little kitten with a head that was too big for her body. She was chosen because as dedicated E. B. White fans we were a little afraid of what would happen to the runt of the litter. She reminded us of a "will o wisp," a mischievous spirit. And the name fit! She had a spirit that was too big for her body and she grew into the cleverest, bravest and most curious cat that we have ever known. Willow was always getting into trouble and choosing challenges that would land her in trouble. She did everything on her own terms but in the words of a neighbor child, " she a nice kitty." There was no greater compliment from Willow than going to sleep alone and waking up with her plastered to you.
Goodbye Willow, we are so grateful to have had you for 11 years.


Like all great things, sometimes they come at you fast. It was a quick idea I had, I wanted a dog and I wanted a blue heeler. I knew I wanted a dog breed that would be loyal and active. A quick search on the internet and I laid eyes on a brown/grey blue heeler that came with an interesting story.

A homeless man who had a cell phone, without service, went to starbucks using the free wifi and posted; "Great dog, can't keep, need to find a home for him." I replied and before I knew it I was making the drive to Salem Oregon to look at a blue heeler. When I got there I met the man and this ugly looking dog named Fox. Right away we connected and after a 30 minute walk/interview I was adopted by Fox. I remember as I drove away Fox stared out the window, his heart broken for losing a good friend and not knowing where this stranger was taking him. I went straight to the store, bought some dog food, some flea shampoo and all the other essentials that I needed. It was the first time in my adult life that I had a dog of my own.

After washing Fox down in the shower and watching all the fleas jump off him, I realized he wasn't a brown dog, but he was just so dirty from living on the streets, that under all the dirt was one of the most beautiful dogs I have ever laid my eyes on. It didn't take long before Fox and I became best friends. He would follow me everywhere and when I had to leave for work, he would always be at the door waiting for me when I got home. We went on so many adventures and he gave me so much love, I never felt alone.

Eventually like all things, it has to come to an end. It was pretty rough watching this active dog get ravaged by father time as it became harder and harder for him to move. I always told Fox, "just let me know when you're ready and I'll take care of the rest." Well eventually that day came and I had to make the call to gentle goodbyes. It's been a few weeks since he has been gone, but I think about him all the time. Fox was nothing short of a Legend. He taught me to enjoy the simple things, and the beauty of life is that it doesn't last forever, so enjoy it while you got it. Fox, you always be missed. Love you buddy!!!


I had the honor of parenting Ruby for 8 years. She was so funny, sensitive, affectionate, and loved to talk to me. The best girl. She's going to missed terribly


RIP our dear, funny little Nicki. You ran under the right truck 16 years ago and were eager to make our home your home. While you were so shy that you hid under my chair in puppy kindergarten, you were fearless when you scaled our 7' retaining wall to chase off a coyote.

Honey "PIFFY" Lambie Preece

Our little Boston family member made everyone smile with her spunky attitude, raspy barking, and attempts to howl. She was full of love and all the kisses. We said that we rescued her, but she had really rescued us. She was more than just a friend and a family member, but a true light in our home following us all around and comforting us through every difficulty. Even right before she passed she was stubborn and good, refusing to let go and had to be told that it was okay if she went, which just proved what a good girl she was. She will be missed. As her family we are grateful for the time we got to spend with her and are happy that she was able to pass with all of us surrounding her naturally at home together. She knew that she was loved and there is a hole in our hearts now where she can curl up inside and find peace knowing that she was our best girl.

In loving memory of Odin Huntting

Odin was happiest when he was with his family, whether out on an adventure or snuggled up under a blanket at home. Odin had a knack for finding the biggest rocks or tree limbs he could pick up. But he was also the most gentle-spirited dog, exemplified by the multiple documented encounters he had with baby rock chucks, ducklings, etc. He brought so much joy to our lives in the almost 10 years he was with us, and he will forever be in our hearts.


When we adopted Leo he was just over a year old and full of kitten fun. He loved the laser pointer and would race down the hallway and up the wall to get it and he was the best helper when we were building a puzzle. He was a great companion. We got to have him for almost 17 years and we will miss him greatly.

Simba Schiller

The Sawtooth Mountains were a favorite of ours and Simba loved backpacking and swimming in the lakes.


Pearl really was the pup of the party and loved everyone. Six years wasn't enough time to enjoy life but our lives will always be the better for having had her, even for such a short time.


Josie was the college pup turned faithful family dog. We are thankful for the beautiful memories she gave us. I'm sure she is chasing squirrels and catching frisbees again in doggy heaven. We love you Josie!

Titus/Mr. Moons

Titus, Mr. Moons, Titi, Bubbys, whatever name we called you that day, you were the best dog a girl could dream of. You never bite, you let us jump all over you, you let me paint your nails, you let the girls take you on long walks even though you hated walks and would rather watch football on the couch with grandpa or dad, you were truly the best. Even with your intimidating looks you were so loved by everyone who meet you. I still remember when a random kid ran up to you at the park and screamed "Mom look, it's a giant pug". Your whole 13 years of life you gave our family so much joy. Love and miss you forever moonies.


We adopted Deuce as a 6 week old puppy. He was always a puppy at heart, even in his senior years. He loved to check out mail parcels as they were brought into the house. He loved to snuggle on the couch, he had a sweet tooth and adored pheasant hunting with my husband. In 2016, he had a mishap where he got out of his crate and jumped from the back of my husband's truck. He was lost for 5 days, while I was seeking breast cancer treatment in SLC. We posted pictures on facebook in hopes someone would find him and our boy would come back home. Fortunately a person we went to high school with found him and kept him safe for us. When we went to pick him up, I could tell he was very timid in the unfamiliar place. As soon as he recognized me, he let out the saddest/happiest cry and ran to me. We were so surprised and thankful to have him back. Deuce had such a big, loyal heart. I still catch myself singing to him in the mornings, as I did when he was still with us. We were so blessed to have this loving, snoopy, goofball in our lives and we miss him so much.



Flower, our beloved princess kitty of 13 years, left us on Saturday. While we are heartbroken, we are also grateful to your team for helping her cross the rainbow bridge and be free of pain.

Loki Nyen

Loki was incredibly smart. He stayed next to our sides his entire life. He loved playing hide n seek with our 2 year old daughter. They would play tag. She would read him stories. They were best friends. The perfect first dog for any child to have. I will miss him laying at my feet while I'm in my office. Or stepping on him when I go to get up off the couch - because he was sleeping under my legs. He loved everyone! He always protected the little dogs from the big dogs at the park. He was so brave. I will remember him everyday in all the things we do. I love you bud.

Sept 2008 to 4/20/2024

Emma was the sweetest girl, everyone loved her and always wanted to take her home. She loved camping and going to the beach, or she was just happy being with her humans. She was always happy and full of love for everyone she met. She will forever be in our hearts.


Timmie, my sweet marshmallow graced our family for 16 years. Her sweet and playful spirit is very much missed and Timmie will always hold a special place in my heart. Rest in peace sweet kitty.

September 2012 - April 2024

Poof was a beautiful addition to our family in September 2018 at the age of 6. He was beautiful and precious and a "poof" of fresh air! A retired show and stud, he was ready to be King of the Castle and keep his many fur-siblings in check. Poof may have been only two pounds, but his bark and attitude went way beyond his tiny and fluffy little body. He slept between me and my husband for six years! He was in charge and his demands of being loved, carried and adored were all met with open arms - he deserved the best.

He was very adventurous and a traveler - Santa Barbara, Lake Tahoe/Truckee, Bodega Bay and so on, and once he landed in Idaho, had many flights back to Sonoma County to see family.

He was a fighter and mighty - up until he went to Heaven. His memory is alive in hearts and he is missed every day. I love him and reflect on his impact on me and our entire family and it is just so hard to let him go physically - keeping his memory in our hearts allows us to never let go of his poofy little soul.

Little Bug

We said goodbye to our sweet "Doodle" Bug after 18 amazing years and she has crossed the rainbow bridge to join her sister Blue Belle. Bug loved being cuddled in her favorite blanket, going for walks, eating cookies and milk, and especially her Aunt T. She brought absolute joy to our lives and was loved by all. Our hearts are broken and we will miss her dearly. Until I see you again, love you my little girl!


In 2012, Brady joined our family after being lovingly entrusted to us. With his irresistible charm and boundless love, he quickly became the heart of our home. Brady had a knack for bringing joy to even the darkest of days, with a gentle spirit that offered comfort to all who knew him. His intelligence and eagerness to learn always amazed us, especially when treats were involved. Today, our hearts ache with his absence, but his love and legacy will forever be cherished. Brady, you may be gone, but you will never be forgotten.


Pearl was an amazing kitty, always comforting to have around so you never felt alone and as many unfortunate mice, birds and rabbits found, had quite the killer instinct. She was fixture in so many peoples' lives as she roamed the neighborhood always on the search for treats, affection and adoration.

Pearl was more than just a part of our story, she was also a part of our family. Pearl, you were an amazing cat. We miss you and we will never forget you.


Che was the best dog. She was so smart, loyal, funny, and loving. I know everyone says their dog is the best, but Che truly was the BEST DOG! Although she wasn't always the most well-behaved dog, her connection to me was deeper than I've ever experienced with any other living being, human, or animal. She knew so many words, and I could have full conversations with her, knowing that she understood a lot of it. I am lucky to have spent 17 years with her by my side, but it wasn't enough. It never is.... She will forever be missed dearly by me, my other dog, Zydeco, my cats Quorra and Flynn, and all who knew her.


Miss Reba loved adventure! She loved very loudly and never met a person or animal she didn't like. She was loved by her family everyday of her life and we miss all her silly noises.

She refused to be bored, chiefly because she wasn't boring,

Maximus Angus

Our Brussels Griffon households' heart broke, as we said goodbye to our sweet old man, Maximus. Maxi loved unconditionally, guarded his yard by barking the second he stepped outside, and cuddled up with Momma as much as possible. The hole Max leaves will never be filled but we look back on all the incredible memories grateful that we got to love and be a part of Maxys life. Rest in Peace Little Love, you will forever be in our hearts and minds.

Cassie Elliott

Cassie was special. She came to us after living the first 2 years of her life in a kennel. She was a project pup. We gave her an awesome life and she was an awesome, smart and a great companion. She will be missed terribly. She was loved by all who knew her. RIP baby girl. Our baby girl.


Duke loved being involved in everything, from walking, digging trenches, shoveling snow, or shopping for horse food.


This is Kitten. He was a gentle cat who shared a special friendship with another of our cats. He lived a long and happy life of over 16 years. He will be reunited with many friends he knew over the years .


Eli was a big part of our family. Such a gentle giant. He was always so friendly to everyone he met both humans and animals of every kind. Except crows! He loved to chase them. Thank you for giving us such a sweet goodbye to our beloved dog. It meant a lot to us for him to be comfortable at home during those last days. We miss his presence in our home and this is a part of having a pet, saying good-bye. Thank you for making it a little easier.

Kyah Lynn Leiby
3/13/09 to 2/25/24

We had to say good-bye to our sweet & loving Kyah Lynn, Feb 25th.
Kyah was 2 1/2 wks shy of her 15th birthday. She was so sweet & gentle all of her life.
Some of her favorite things: laying out in our front yard watching over the neighborhood, playing in water, camping, going for rides, playing with her furry friends.
Kyah, you will forever will be in hearts and minds.

Sweet Bear

Our sweet baby Bear. We're so grateful you shared your life with us for 14 years. Thank you for the precious memories that now fill the space your passing left in our hearts. Thank you to Gentle Goodbyes for sending Doctor and Tech to us. Their caring and compassionate professionalism helped ease Bear through a painless transition. We're grateful to all the Gentle Goodbyes staff. You're all terrific people.

Izzy Tomko
9/26/2012 - 3/11/24

I loved her so much. She was the most adventurous, loyal, loving, and a little crazy (about food)! My little "Sweet but a Psycho" Pug girl is now over the rainbow bridge chasing balls and barking at squirrels ?
She will forever be in my heart.

Thank you to Gentle Goodbyes for making her journey as peaceful as possible. ???

Buster Bollinger

Thank you so very much for your kindness and support last week with Buster, our sweet Lab-Chesapeake mix. He was loved by everyone in our family, as well as our neighbors, and losing him broke all of our hearts.

Boo Martinez

Boo Martinez passed away ever so peacefully at home in our arms at the age of 18. She was one of a kind and a true chihuahua ambassador; changing opinions wherever she went due to her LOVE of people and calm nature.

Tony Miklos

It is with much sadness and love, I share our beloved family member, Tony has crossed into heaven's rainbow bridge. He was the best dog and was loved by all!!


Rambo was the best dog and companion you could ever ask for. He watched our family grow over the last 15 years and brought joy and laughter to everyone around him. He was one of a kind and loved by so many. We will miss you Rambo until we meet again at the rainbow bridge.


On February 7th our sweetheart, Roxy, crossed the rainbow bridge to join her brother that crossed November 7th. She was such a sweet girl. She loved to tease Rocket, loved all the treats, and loved to chase birds at the beach. We miss her and her brother so much.

Abbey Wallis
March 9 2015-Feb. 15 2024

Abbey was a handful as a pup but had turned into the best dog ever. She had her CGC and her Novice Trick Dog titles. She loved our place in McCall. She was an amazing swimmer and loved the water. She also loved the snow. She brought us almost 9 years of love and laughter. We miss her terribly.



Scout brought us over 13 years of joy, making our new house a home when we first moved to Idaho. We are grateful for every day we had with him, and will miss him forever.

Jake McCullough

Jake loved to go running, hiking, on walks, and just being outdoors. He was not a big fan of swimming though. He was very vocal on walks when seeing other dogs on his rounds. Hope you're running and playing on the other side. You will be greatly missed.


We adopted Banner when he was 11 years old, along with his bonded friend Dixie (who was also 11). We knew we wouldn't have him for long, but it was such a wonderful 4 years. He was a sweet, quirky, very loving dog. He was always moving and sniffing things out, and he never was too far out of view of Dixie. He fit right into our family of people and cats. He had such a personality! He made the sweetest "happy noises". We will miss him always.

Ollie "Stinker" Ramsey

How incredibly fortunate I was to have my amazing Ollie (Stinker) girl for 13 loving years!! She was amazing; truly majestic! Throughout life's many journeys, she was always by my side, no matter what. Her loss leaves such emptiness but I'm so thankful for the forever memories she gave me, my family and friends - her spirit will truly live on forever!


Bella was rescued by us in Oct of 2020. She settled right in with us and was a big part of our family. She would do a little prance/dance every night at dinner time waiting for her food. She loved to walk and lay in the sun. We will miss her greatly.


Thank you so much for handling Brody and such a lovely way as he passed thank you for helping us be home with him. We loved him very much. He had such a personality and even tried to talk to us. He was my special little buddy, and my kids loved him as well. Now he is at peace and happily running on trails and playing in creeks without any pain.

Morgan Woodell

6/24/16 - 1/5/24

Thank you for being there to help Luke no longer suffer through the cancer. Lukie, bonk, Bo Bo -- Luke, you came into our lives as a friend to comfort our Lucy, who had just lost her brother. We knew when we picked you out of the litter on that little farm in Texas, you were going to be a part of our family. You were such a sensitive boy, who knew when to come snuggle next to us when we needed a lift. You brought out the best in Lucy, urging her to bark at the neighbors or wanting to play first thing in the morning. We will miss your goofiness of burrowing under Daddy's blanket, hopping through the snow, or sneaking some morsels from your Uncle downstairs. We were blessed to be your mom and dad, you gave us joy and laughter, we love you, and knowing that you are no longer suffering, is comforting.

4/1/10 - 1/5/24

Bella was a true joy who had no quit in her. I was comforted by a friend's words...you gave her your last best gift, a peaceful passing. Bella will be in our hearts always.

Piglet Broome

Piglet was the sweetest fur-baby and this photo captures her true spirit, sitting in God's light, a four-legged angel on earth. Your mommy and I (your grandma) will see you again at the Rainbow Bridge. Until then, rest well without any more pain and know that you will forever be in our entire family's loving thoughts.


Sally was such a sweetheart and we loved her so much!


Sara Mama Misses You


Our beloved Golden Doodle, Oaklee came home to us after surviving a house fire at 6 weeks old along with his momma and siblings. He really was our miracle. Oaklee's favorite place to be was with "his peeps" he just couldn't relax until all 3 of us were home. He loved camping and playing keep away. He gave us a short 11 years of love and loyalty. Thank you Gentle Goodbyes for making his goodbye a peaceful experience.


GGB Doctor and Tech came to our home to help our wonderful dog, Sasha, spend her last moments on earth in a calm, peaceful way. She was in her bed instead of a sterile veterinary clinic. We were so lucky to have Sasha in our life for 13 years. She is missed and thought of every day.


They were so gentle and caring with Gunnar, we couldn't have asked for anyone better. After almost 13 years, we said goodbye to our sweet, handsome Gunnar. He was an amazing dog with such a loving personality. He loved eating socks, chasing rocks and going hunting. We will never forget him.

Roxy Hightower

In loving memory of our Roxy girl. With boundless energy and a heart full of love. You filled our lives with joy and unforgettable memories. From the time you joined us from the boxer rescue in our first home, to our cross country moves, to being Archer's very best friend (though you may have only tolerated him for his snacks). You were a constant source of comfort and happiness. We will miss your little wiggle butt and the way you loved us. Rest peacefully Roxy Ann. Until we meet again.


This is Kitty. She was 10 years old and a very sweet cat. We adopted her from our neighbor who had discovered her new husband was allergic...oops! But she quickly got used to her new mom and dad. This was one of her favorite places to sleep on a warm sunny day. She was spoiled and was supplied with fuzzy warm blankets and constant attention. She was the best and we had her for 4 years.


Thank you for helping me with Bronwyn. I am so grateful Bronwyn let me know that we belonged together. She was a tiny cat, but a massive source of joy in my life. I feel so lucky to have loved her and felt so loved in return. I'll miss her always.

Niko Thomas
4/15/2017 - 2/11/2024

From the time he was a baby to his last day on this side of the rainbow bridge, Niko's location of choice never changed - anywhere we were. The calmest, biggest, most baby-faced of cats. The loss of his gentle presence and constant companionship is enormous. We love you, Niko.

Daisy the St. Bernard

We sincerely appreciate your time and sympathy in coming to our home to assist with the end of life of our Daisy dog. She was such a dear and wonderful family pet. Her presence within our home was always enthusiasm and sweetness. Your service really helped to ease the anxiety of the realization that her vitality was gone. I find myself mentally playing with her ear and kissing her whiskers and the side of her muzzle which was so annoying to her...she always twitched, lol!


Cooper was the most loyal friend to our family. Everyone loved Cooper. He loved spring and chasing the ground squirrels (and catching them!), going to the barn with me and laying in the grass as he is here in this picture. We appreciate Gentle Goodbyes very much.


January 29th, 2024 we said goodbye to one of the goodest boys Rocky. We adopted Rocky when he was 6 years old and have loved life with him as our family's first dog. Rocky enjoyed playing soccer in the yard, pulling the stuffing out from his toys and most of all food! We miss listening for Rocky's tippy taps coming down the hall and his silent protest yaps and stomps for more snacks. Thank you Gentle Goodbyes for helping Rocky cross the rainbow bridge, we couldn't have asked for a better service and team during this hard time.


Tyra was such a sweet girl. Her sweet face is missed at our house and we will always remember the fun times we had together. Love u Tyra!


Thor came into our lives at the age of 3 and he was gentle giant and loved to be around all of us, he went everywhere with us when he was younger and he was one spoiled dog!! He will be missed and we loved him very much

Heidi Stright

Heidi was our gentle giant, We were so lucky to adopt her when she was 3. She taught us what it means to be loyal and attentive. She loved her family and was happiest when we were all together so she didn't have to worry about anyone who wasn't present. We had 3 wonderful years together and they went by all too quickly. We were not ready to say goodbye.


My sweet smart Lilly girl.
Lilly gave me her all. She was smart, kind, loving. She was the center of my universe for 16 years.
I will love her forever.


Lucy Lou was a fiercely loyal and loving dog. From the moment I met her, it was true and pure love. She was funny and playful and loved her tennis balls, bones, and stuffed animals. She was always with her owner, Sara and her favorite thing in the world was car rides. Lucy will be deeply missed, and always remembered for the sweet, loving being she was. Run free Lucy, we will Meet you on the rainbow Bridge.

DOB 24 Sep 2013

Until today we had a stride, now what will we do at 8, 9, 2, and five?
A gift from my angels. At the time I wasn't sure why. He saved me from myself, changed my life, and brought me my wife.
You were loved by everyone who ever met you, but most of all by us. Every part of our lives has been with you in mind and in that you laid your trust.
A friend, a companion, so much more. Your life was what we were meant for.
The kindest, sweetest soul ever known, no higher has an eagle ever flown.
You were given a name but were so much more than that. A more perfect soul has never been born.
Those beautiful eyes of brown like that of a savior, they melted every heart around.
You were just perfect our little Maxx ...you were literally one in a million.
You will forever be in our hearts.